Saturday, February 9, 2008

Bucket List.

My friend Andrea over at inspired me start a bucket list. Some items have been floating around in there for a while, and I actually accomplished them already. So here goes the beginings:

1) Meet Mose Alison (accomplished)
2) Illustrate a meaningful children's book
3) Play in a band
4) Give away a possession that I think I can't live without
5) Stay in a cabin in the Alps for 3 days with my family
6) Learn how and write a short story (s)
7) Meet a guy I like at least half as much as my dad
8) Adopt a dog
9) Be most successful at loving others
10) Become an expert listener
11) Shave my head
12) Get a masters degree in theology/counseling
13) Have many more creative/intellectual moments with my mother, a very very creative/intuitive person
14) Open a jazz/coffee bar like the Baked Potato in California and live upstairs from it like my friend Ezra's place ( and it be an open venue for things like Bible study, philosophical discussions, educational political talks, book readings etc.