"I'm looking into buying a camera" seems like a promise I've had for a couple of years now, yet keep rationalizing that I don't really need one, and romanticizing that I'm being like the musician Sufjan Stevens. Who once said in an interview, as he talks about not owning any instruments: "I don't really record in a studio. I record where musicians and instruments are available, because I don't have a lot of my own. I don't even own a guitar or a banjo. I just take my portable recording device wherever instruments are, so I don't get stuck with a static tonality for every track I put down."
But, if I did purchase a camera (besides the disposable that's made it almost 2 years without being taken to the store and developed, at this point, it's pretty much ransom, like "ok, step away or I'll take your picture!), the one that I'd get is the Nikon, D80. So, I'm still thinking about it. Until then, I dug up these funny old photos:
on the boat with the fish eye lens