Friday, October 31, 2008

7 Randoms

I've been tagged by my sister, Coco.

Seven weird/random things about myself...
I hiccup one loud obnoxious time after a meal or if I'm does my dad and my sister,
was a strict vegetarian from 6th grade until age 20,
was lost in a creek in 7th grade...the church and two officers were looking for me, but my sweet dad found me,
successfully removed the braces from my teeth in first grade with mom's mirror and dad's pliers...and begrudgingly had them put back on the next night by a woman named Fonda, in a trans am at a gas station parking lot at 930pm,
cousins with two notables: Carl Perkins and Wild Bill Sullivan,
did the layout for George Bush's 80th birthday invitation,
have had an unbelievable survival rate with major car accidents (been through 8 different cars to date...) and a rip tide.

Now I need to tag seven people.

David & Guitta